You will think we are making this up, but we promise it is absolutely true. (There may be other occasions when you have cause to doubt our word, and we pledge to alert you at the earliest possible moment when your doubting is with cause, but we trust that you will otherwise believe every word we say. Much of what we report we can verify with accompanying photographs and directions allowing you to do the same, but in the case of the Heartbeam Spot, there are particular limitations owing to phenomena we will shortly describe, and you will therefore need to take a significant leap of faith, but please do so).
On the path just beyond the trail considerately identified as “H,” but just before one gets to the turn-off at “I,” at a certain time of day and a certain time of year when the sun is, necessarily, shining and the branches and leaves are all angled just so owing to a particular breeze (or perhaps the absence thereof), a golden shaft of sunlight wends its shining way through the tangle of leaves and trees, and for reasons we cannot otherwise ascertain produces a big, fat, perfect heart-shaped patch of sun upon the ground, which we call the Heartbeam Spot.
We know this was real because two of us saw it.
Otherwise one of us would worry she was making this up.
just to let you know I received your comment.
It had gotten lost in the dance between the light and the shadow :-)
I just recently saw where, at these few days of the year, in July, the sun shines between the tall buildings in New York City (Manhattan, I believe). The sun's arc lines up with the direction of the streets and it is bright all day long with actual sunshine. I have never been to NYC but, for those who like to live there, it must be quite the occassion.
A dark woods of buildings allowing sunbeams between.
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