As peaceably devoted as the Two Trees That Are Happy Together Are, we nonetheless know full well love does not always result in such contentment. As a matter of fact, it seems more so to be the exception, and a broken heart (or two, or three, or even more) is, inevitably, the lot of most two-legged creatures with whom we are associated.
Here is Wanna-Be Tree's tale.
She loved him, and maybe even wished that she was him. As soon as she met him, she wrapped her red, silky root around the base of his trunk, and planned how he would love her in return.
What he loved, on the other hand (or is it branch?), was being loved. Many other trees had envied him (or so he thought), so he was quite used to their admiring attentions. Wanna-Be Tree’s complete and utter adoration was quite his due, in his estimation.
At first he enjoyed her devoted attention, and didn’t altogether mind that she had planted herself so close beside him. All too soon, however, he began to feel a bit cramped by her proximity, and in fact her presence slowed his own growth considerably.
The Wanna-Be Tree, likewise, never grew as tall and strong as she might have if she had only loved herself a bit more, and him a bit less.
This, of course, was rather a shame for both of them, but to this day her red, silky root is wrapped around the base of his silent trunk.
It is a beautiful root.
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